Audio Only Live Webcast
You may listen to the live IBB and BBC Webcast on the IBB Palmview SermonAudio app in the audio version without the video.
Chromecast TV, Roku TV, and Fire TV Live Webcast
You may watch the live IBB and BBC Webcast with these three devices. Below is information regarding searching for the IBB and BBC sermons including the live webcasts on SermonAudio, Chromecast TV, Roku TV, and Fire TV. Please search for the church by name or with the code ID. Please enter that in the MY CHURCH section of the app for quick access. Chromecast can be accessed from the apps and in the player on the desktop site by clicking on the Chromecast icon or selecting Chromecast to TV. In the main SermonAudio app you can cast the live webcast to the TV via the buttons on the webcast page for Roku, Chromecast and Fire TV.
To see all the ways you may listen and watch Iglesia Bautista Betania and
Bethany Baptist sermons on Sermonaudio, please visit this website.
Pastor Noe Mendoza is doing an online devotional on the IBB and BBC facebook site and on during the week.